SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT TASAWWUF/TAZKIYYA Windows of the Heart 1 Wuquf e Qalbi Rectifying the Self Qalb Nafs Ilm Dhikr How to do Muraqaba Ghaflat an uncaring attitude Attaining the Willaya of Allah the Exalted Load more Title Listen Duration Windows of the Heart 52:54 How to do Muraqaba 1:02:39 Wuquf-e-Qalbi 1:00:42 Rectifying the Self 1:11:14 Attaining the Willaya of Allah (the Exalted) 52:30 Ghaflat: an uncaring attitude 1:06:31 Ilm & Dhikr 1:17:42 Qalb & Nafs 58:17